Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Titan (One of Saturns moons)

Titan is much larger than the neigbouring Saturnian moons.It is larger than Mercury and Pluto and the second largest moon in the solar system after Jupiters Ganymede.It was discoverd in 1655 by the Dutch astronomer Christan Huygens,the first moon to be detected following Galileos revolutionary discovery of four moons orbiting Jupiter.Titan is the only body in the solar system to contain a nitrogen-rich atmousphere like Earths,although it is much more dense.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Callisto (One of Jupiters moons)

Callisto's dark and dirty,icy crust is coverd with craters.The largest,Valhalla,has shockwaves that spread out some 3,000 km (1,865 miles).Astronomers believe the crust hides a rocky core.

Europa (One of Jupiters moons)

Europa has an icy surface criss-crossed with lines that suggest deeper activity.Sientists believe the ice may cover a liquid salty ocean,with a possibillity of aquatic life.in fact, it has become the most likely place extraterrestrail life in our solar system.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Ganymede (One of Jupiters moons)

Ganymede in lager than Mercury,but it is not a planet as it doesn't orbit the sun.Scientists think this moon has a molten core,surrounded by a rocky mantle,possible salt water,and an ice shell.

Io (One of Jupiters moons)

Io is constantly undergoing volcanic eruptions across its surface,the result giving it an amazing yellow-orange colour.In fact it has more than 100 active volcanoes! The eruptions happen because this moon is continually tugged and pushed around by the gravities of the other three.

Dying Star

When a stars core stops fusing hydrogen to make helium,it exits the main sequence and enters its death throes.The equilibrium the star fought so arduosly to attatin at the beginning of its life is upset,as the radiation output ceases and the star begins contracting under gravity.The energy generated by this collapse heats up the stellar atmosphere where hydrogen is still present.The stellar atmosphere becomes so hot and pressurized thet fusion of this hydrogen store takes place.This process causes to swell in size to become a giant.

Light echoes
Twenty thousand light years away-at the very edge of our galaxy-starV838 Monocerotis underwent a sudden outburst in January 2002.It became 600000 times brighter than the sun,making it the most iuminous star in the Milky Way.These three images from the Hubble Space telescope chronical the progress of the flare-up,which researches still cannot explain.

Cone Nebula

Both part of a huge starbirth complex in monoceros,the Fox fur nebula-and the Cone Nebula,seen here-are stellar maternity wards.The Cone is seven light years long,but in this image from the latest camera on the hubble space telescope,we only see the top two and a half light years.It's being sculpted by powerful winds and radiation from a star that lies on top of this image.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

How To Make A Moon Chart


A pencil,a ruler,A3 paper and something to draw circles with.

Making the Moon chart

1.Get the ruler and draw 5 lines horizontal and 7 vertical.

2.Draw 30 circles in the the boxes you have just made.

3.Now what you need to do is, look at the moon and shade in what you can't see.

Amdromeda Spiral

The Amdromeda Spiral (or M31) is the largest galaxy in our local group, covering an area of the sky five times the diameter of the moon.It is the mont distant phenomenon that can be veiwed with naked eye.M31 is moving towards The Milky Way at a rate of 9 million kilometers each day and eventully the two will collide causing an eruption of new stars.As M31 contains two nuclei this will probaly not be the first time it has consumed other galaxys.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Trifid Nebula

Its name has nothing to with John Wydham's famous fiction novel.The day of the Trifids; instead,this nebula is divided into three by dark lanes of cosmic soot.John herschel-son of William,discoverer of Uranus-described it in the 19th century as singulary trifid,consisting of three bright and irregulary-formed nebulous masses.It lies close to the Lagoon nebula.