Sunday, 18 April 2010
Friday, 2 April 2010
Rocks And Astroids
Millions and Millions of years ago,a meteor hit earth.It was 10 km wide.If the Rock was small it would burn up in the atmosphere.To test it out,you will need...
A hose,5 light balls(to be the small Rock)and a basket ball(to be the meteor that hit earth).
You might want to do this in a swimming pool,but you don't have to.
There are caraters on the moon because,the moon has no atmosphere to burn up the Rocks.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Space Quizz
Challenge yourself to a Quiz by clicking the purple words.Some of the Quistions you have not learnt on this blog.Give Yourself a pat on the back if you get them all right.But if you don't,don't worry.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Titan (One of Saturns moons)

Saturday, 20 February 2010
Callisto (One of Jupiters moons)
Europa (One of Jupiters moons)
Friday, 19 February 2010
Ganymede (One of Jupiters moons)
Io (One of Jupiters moons)
Dying Star

When a stars core stops fusing hydrogen to make helium,it exits the main sequence and enters its death throes.The equilibrium the star fought so arduosly to attatin at the beginning of its life is upset,as the radiation output ceases and the star begins contracting under gravity.The energy generated by this collapse heats up the stellar atmosphere where hydrogen is still present.The stellar atmosphere becomes so hot and pressurized thet fusion of this hydrogen store takes place.This process causes to swell in size to become a giant.
Light echoes

Cone Nebula

Thursday, 18 February 2010
How To Make A Moon Chart

A pencil,a ruler,A3 paper and something to draw circles with.
Making the Moon chart
1.Get the ruler and draw 5 lines horizontal and 7 vertical.
2.Draw 30 circles in the the boxes you have just made.
3.Now what you need to do is, look at the moon and shade in what you can't see.
Amdromeda Spiral

Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Trifid Nebula

Sunday, 24 January 2010
Pencil Nebula

Saturday, 16 January 2010
Amazing Facts




The Great red spot is 3 times bigger than Earth.It is very windy on the red spot.Winds are 250 miles per hour.
Jupiter can be seen very easily with a telescope because it is bright.It is surounded by thin rings that can't be seen from earth.It has 16 moons.


Friday, 15 January 2010

Wednesday, 13 January 2010
The Sun

Our Sun is a star but it is closer to us than any other star.Like all stars,it is a massive ball of burning gas,fed by constant explosions.Without it,our planet would be lifeless.Our Sun doesn't move like the other stars do.It spins every 25.4 days.
The sun was born under five billion years ago.Although it burns four million tonnes (tons) of fuel each second,it is so big that it will continue to burn for another five billion years.
The Suns surface
Although the sun has not got a solid surface-it is entirely made of super hot gas-its so-called 'photosphere' is the outermost region of our local star's opaque gases.Here,in an image from the national solar observbatory in new Mexico,we can see the structure of our stars 'surface'.Rising gases within produce a bubbling structure,called 'granulation', where currents of heat ascend and descend.Each cell on this photograph is as large as Texas.