Our Sun is a star but it is closer to us than any other star.Like all stars,it is a massive ball of burning gas,fed by constant explosions.Without it,our planet would be lifeless.Our Sun doesn't move like the other stars do.It spins every 25.4 days.
Long Lived
The sun was born under five billion years ago.Although it burns four million tonnes (tons) of fuel each second,it is so big that it will continue to burn for another five billion years.
Solar winds
The Sun sends out a stream of invisible particles called the solar wind.When these pass Earth's North and South Poles,they can create stunning colours.
The Sun spins every 25.4 days.The core is so hot, it is 15 million degrese celcius.The surface tempreture is 5,500 degrese celcius.
NEVER EVER look into the Sun because it is very bright and it could damage your eyes and you might have to go to hospital.The sun has very strong winds it can blow out gas wich can cause power cuts on Earth.
The Suns surface
Although the sun has not got a solid surface-it is entirely made of super hot gas-its so-called 'photosphere' is the outermost region of our local star's opaque gases.Here,in an image from the national solar observbatory in new Mexico,we can see the structure of our stars 'surface'.Rising gases within produce a bubbling structure,called 'granulation', where currents of heat ascend and descend.Each cell on this photograph is as large as Texas.
Interesting !